Writing the input file


The format of the file is much like a Windows .ini file or a Unix configuration file:

  • The file contains a number of key=value pairs.
  • Lines beginning "#" are ignored (i.e., are comments).

Self-documenting example

The following is a self-documenting example.

Please refer back to the "What does the example do?" page for a description of each of the following settings.

# The db name
database = hca

# The factor by which to multiply each value in the output.
# This is divided by the text length, so for example if your text
# has 70000 words, 100000 would be a good value
factor = 100000

# The window width
n = 5

# The csv output filename
csv = haltest.csv.txt

# The value-vector output filename
output = haltest.out.txt

# The maximum number of values in each value-vector
max_values = 20

# Place the words here, with one 'word' key per line, e.g.:
word = mor
word = barn
word = blomst

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