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TableOverviewThe table is the kind of output returned from all MQL statements which return something, except for "SELECT (ALL|FOCUS) OBJECTS", which returns a sheaf. A table is a list of TableRows. A TableRow, in turn, is a list of strings. The columns are numbered beginning with 1, not 0. Java-style iterators are provided for accessing the rows and their contents. C++ interface#include <table.h> typedef enum { kTCString, kTCInteger, kTCID_D, kTCMonad_m, kTCBool, kTCEnum } TableColumnType; class TableRowIterator { public: TableRowIterator(TableRow *pMotherTableRow); TableRowIterator(); ~TableRowIterator(); bool hasNext() const; // Is the iterator == end iterator? Doesn't alter iterator std::string next(); // Gets current and advances iterator afterwards std::string previous(); // Regresses iterator and then gets current std::string current(); // Gets current without altering iterator std::string getColumn(int column); // Gets column in current without touching iterator. First column is 1. }; class TableRow : public std::list<std::string> { public: TableRow(); ~TableRow(); TableRowIterator iterator(); // Gets iterator pointing to beginning std::string getColumn(int column); // Gets column. First column is 1. unsigned int size() const; // Gets number of columns }; class TableIterator { public: TableIterator(); TableIterator(Table *pMotherTable); TableIterator(const TableIterator& other); ~TableIterator(); bool hasNext() const; // Is the iterator == end iterator? Doesn't alter iterator TableRow& next(); // Gets current and advances iterator afterwards TableRow& previous(); // Regresses iterator and then gets current TableRow& current(); // Gets current without altering iterator std::string next(int column); // Gets column in current and then advances iterator std::string getColumn(int column); // Gets column in current without altering iterator. First column is 1. }; class Table { public: Table(); ~Table(); // Reading from a table TableIterator iterator(); // Find row with string str at column column_index. First column is 1. TableIterator find(const std::string& str, int column_index, bool bCompareCaseInsensitively = true); // Find row with str1 and str2 at their respective columns. First column is 1. TableIterator find(const std::string& str1, int column_index1, const std::string& str2, int column_index2, bool bCompareCaseInsensitively = true); void erase(TableIterator& d); void clear(); // First column is 1. std::string getColumn(TableIterator& i, int column_index); long size() const; // Get number of rows // Adding to a table void append(const std::string& str); void newline(); void appendHeader(std::string header_name, TableColumnType tc_type, std::string enum_type = ""); // First column is 1. void updateRow(TableIterator& i, const std::string new_value, int column_index); // Should be called before append. void startNewRow(); // Printing a table void printConsole(EMdFOutput *pOut) const; void printXML(EMdFOutput *pOut) const; static void printDTD(EMdFOutput *pOut); }; ExamplesIterators (reading from a table)Here is an example of how to use the iterators. Table *pTable; // Assumed to be initialized from somewhere // Get first string of first row TableIterator ti = pTable->iterator(); std::string firstRowCol = pTable->getColumn(ti, 1); // Note how column 1 is the first. // out table ti = pTable->iterator(); while (ti.hasNext()) { // Get iterator for current row TableRowIterator tri = ti.current().iterator(); // out row while (tri.hasNext()) { // out string plus horizontal tab, and advance iterator printf("%s\t",; } // out newline printf("\n"); // Advance iterator; } // Find something in table int column_to_search = 2; TableIterator ti2 = pTable->find("StringToFind", column_to_search); if (ti2.hasNext()) { printf("String found!\n"); TableRow& tr = ti.current(); printf("Column 1 = '%s'\n", tr.getColumn(1)); } else { printf("String not found.\n"); } Adding to a tableHere's an example of how to add to a table: // Create header (not really necessary if you know what you've // placed into the table; mostly for aesthetics when printing // and for communicating with other parts of the program) pTable->appendHeader("first_monad", kTCMonad_m); pTable->appendHeader("last_monad", kTCMonad_m); // Start a new row (call this method before starting a new row) pTable->startNewRow(); // Add row 1 pTable->append(1); // Monad 1 in first_monad pTable->append(4); // Monad 4 in last_monad // Add row 2 pTable->startNewRow(); pTable->append(10); // Monad 10 in first_monad pTable->append(13); // Monad 13 in last_monad |