

An important concept in Emdros is "identifier". An identifier is a sequence of characters, such as:

  • Word
  • Phrase
  • Clause
  • false
  • true
  • person_1
  • person_2
  • person_3


Many concepts in this Guide are defined as being identifiers, e.g., object type names, feature names, enumeration names, enumeration constants, and others.


For those who know the C language: Emdros identifiers are defined exactly as in C.

An identifier is a sequence of characters:

  1. Which starts with a lower-case letter (a-z), upper-case letter (A-Z) or underscore (_), and
  2. Which, if it consists of more than one character, continues with lower-case letters (a-z), upper-case letters (A-Z), decimal digits (0-9), or underscores (_), and nothing else.

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