You make them up!

OK, so how do I assign monads?

The most important principle is:

make them up
in a way
that makes sense!

That's not very helpful.

Whoa, there! The statement is deeper than you may think:

  1. You ... yourself: YOU are the sole arbiter of how the monad stream is sliced up. Noone else can do it for you.
  2. make them up: You literally have to invent a scheme (note: not schema) for how to assign the monads. This scheme should be generative or constructive in the sense that the assignment should follow from some textual principles that apply to your application. We will give examples of such principles later. For now, remember that you have to make the monads up.
  3. in a way that makes sense: As we just said, the invention of the monads should follow some principles, and those principles should make sense in your application.

Don't worry. We'll get to some useful principles shortly.

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