
  1. YOU make up the monads. This should be done in a way that makes sense in your application.

  2. First principle: There should be a monad granularity.

    • The monad granularity is the least object(s) that make up the stuff of the text.
    • This can be Graphemes, Morphemes, Words, Sentences, or whatever is the smallest unit in your text, seen from the viewpoint of your application.
    • These smallest units should have the smallest monad sets.
    • The smallest monad sets need not be singletons, they can be arbitrarily large segments. This is helpful if you ever wish to split an object without moving monads around.
    • There can be more than one "least" object type.
  3. Second principle: Let textually adjacent objects be adjacent in their monads.

    • In other words, objects that are adjacent in the text should be neighbors in their monads.
    • If an object B starts at monad B.first, then object A must end at monad B.first-1 if A and B are to be adjacent (in that order).
  4. Third principle: Let textually embedded objects be embedded in their monads.

    • This means that higher objects should be the union set of their constituent objects.

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