Emdros's JSON implementation


JSON is a simple data interchange language. It is easy for humands to read and write. It is also easy for machines to parse and generate.

JSON builds on three kinds of data structures:

  • Objects: An object in JSON is an unordered set of key/value pairs.
  • Arrays: An array in JSON is an ordered list of values.
  • Values: A value in JSON is one of the following kinds:
    • null: A JSON value which is used to mean "no value".
    • true: A JSON value which is used to mean "the Boolean value 'true'".
    • false: A JSON value which is used to mean "the Boolean value 'false'".
    • string: A JSON value which denotes a string. It is enclosed in "double quotes", and may contain "escape characters". For a full list of escape characters, please see below.
    • number: A JSON value which denotes a number. In real JSON, these numbers can be both integers and floating-point numbers. In the implementation present in Emdros, they can only be the integers (positive and negative, as well as 0). Thus, floating-point numbers cannot be represented in the JSON implementation in Emdros.
    • object: A JSON object. Note that this entails that JSON objects may contain JSON objects, just as JSON arrays may contain JSON objects.
    • array: A JSON array. Note that this entails that JSON arrays may contain JSON arrays, just as JSON objects may contain JSON arrays.

Escape codes

In JSON, strings are surrounded by "double quotes". Inside the double quotes, one may place "escape characters", which map to other characters. The ones present in Emdros's JSON are:

  • \": maps to "
  • \\: maps to \
  • \b: maps to "bell" (control character 0x07)
  • \f: maps to "form feed" (control character 0x0c)
  • \n: maps to "newline" (control character 0x0a)
  • \r: maps to "carriage return" (control character 0x0d)
  • \t: maps to "horizontal tab" (control character 0x09)
  • \x[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]: Maps to the 8-bit number expressed by the hexadecimal number after the \x. Note that this is a departure from "real" JSON, where 8-bit characters are not supported.
  • \u[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9]: Maps to the 16-bit Unicode code point expressed by the hexadecimal number after the \u.

More information

For more information about JSON, please visit:


Up:Part IV: Harvest library